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This program provides a different experience than most company training programs.  During the training we don’t just talk about what to do to get better at communication, we learn a strategy that you can apply for the rest of your career.  There is no memorization involved and we do not attempt to go over every situation you may encounter.  What we do is focus on how to apply one strategy that will get you through most if not all situations in the most productive and lucrative way possible.  The course hinges on one principal that makes what we do in this class so powerful and effective.   We begin with talking about the secret to human understanding.  Once you are familiar with the way you and everyone around you thinks you have a distinct advantage over your competition.  The key to understanding every principal in the class is to understand that thinking is a mechanism and to know how to use those mechanisms to your advantage. At the same time, we must not get wrapped up in the emotions of the process.  Sound easy?  It is not easy, not at first, but once you complete the program you will look back on your past situations with clarity and know that if faced with a similar challenge now, you will win.  


Connective dialoguing is a strategy for more effective communication.  Regardless of where you are in your career, enhancing your communication and negotiation skills can take your career to the next level.  This course takes a “back to the basics” platform, and it begins with a discussion about human nature and how both our experiences and perception of the world around us plays a part in every dialoguing situation.  


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